About Up From Wage Slavery:
UFWS is an exciting new blog that focuses on gaining freedom in life and finances. We will focus on improving our lives by focusing on financial and societal issues from an economic perspective.
My goals in writing this blog are threefold:
- Share ideas on personal finance. I have been thinking about this topic for about 30 years and I believe I have many ideas that can help others improve their own financial lives.
- Share alternative ways of thinking about the world. I will provide content that will encourage you to think critically about the world, use an economic mindset, and challenge conventional wisdom.
- Create a public place for our story to unfold. We know that it is possible to create a life free from low value work, but the path we will take to get there is yet to be determined. We will share our experiences as we chart our way. Worst case scenario for you, the reader, is that you learn what not to do by watching our mistakes.
This blog will not include:
- Discussions about Miley Cyrus.
- Discussions about basketball. (Unless we are looking into the unfortunate reality of why athletes so often struggle financially.)
- Line by line details on my family’s monthly spending. There are many quality blogs out there that provide this information but I find it incredibly boring, so I’m not going to write about it.
About me:
Hi, I am Kevin, a 33 year old recently jobless-by-choice husband and father. I enjoy life and strive to rid myself of low value work. I recently ended my teaching career after 7 relatively enjoyable years. I enjoyed teaching and loved the kids but decided too much of my life energy was being spent on meaningless, low value tasks. I am not anti-work. I am not an early retiree. I am, however, done with spending my limited life energy on things that are not important to me. One of the purposes of this blog is to share my experience as I move up, beyond the life of a wage slave, and create a life where my time and energy are properly spent on my life priorities.
For More info about me, my family, and our journey read: